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Eleno Reverse Engineering

Reverse Engineering

Enhance the design with developments and innovations ...

Reverse Engineering is a process by which the design of a product is analyzed or recreated using a physical part as a starting point. Often, reverse Engineering involves deconstructing individual components of larger products. The reverse engineering process enables us to determine how a part was designed so that we can recreate it. Companies often use this approach when purchasing a replacement part from an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) is not an option

Eleno Reverse Engineering
Eleno Reverse Engineering

Reverse Engineering typically involves 3 stages

  1. Implementation recovery: Learn about the application and prepare an initial model.
  2. Design recovery: Undo the mechanics of the structure
  3. Analysis recovery: Remove design defects and eliminate errors in the model

At ELENO, we recreate the designs using CAD & CAE softwares to study, analyze, improvise and re-build in order to enhance the design with new developments and innovations. With the help of virtual prototyping, we are able to work backwards through original design process and gain new insights on its behavior under different conditions.